Aggressive High-Net-Worth Divorce Representation
When it comes to high asset divorces, sizable marital estates usually involve complex property division and considerable support packages. For high-earners, successful business owners, those with significant assets and their spouses, confronting these issues can quickly escalate into a bitter, endless legal battle. Arm yourself with the right high asset divorce attorney by working with the experienced litigators at The Wallack Firm.
Fighting For What’s Yours
Large marital estates usually contain significant and diverse holdings, such as, cash, real estate, stock and securities, foreign assets, professional practices, and business partnerships and interests.
New York is an ‘equitable distribution’ state, meaning marital property is divided equitably (i.e., not automatically 50/50) based on a number of factors, including, a spouse’s contributions to the acquisition of various assets, and to the marriage itself. We’re ready to go head-to-head to ensure you get your fair share of the marital property pie. And, we have the skills and experience to take cases to trial and we don’t back down to anyone.
Protect Your Financial Well-Being
We are widely recognized as a results-driven litigation boutique and we have the prowess required to obtain successful outcomes. Are your ready to fight back and take control of your divorce? Call our Midtown Manhattan offices at 212-651-6461 or send us an email to get started.