Valuation And Distribution Of Complex Assets
You’ve worked hard for everything you have acquired. Now that your marriage is ending, you’ll need to divide these marital assets. But first, many of them will need to be valued or appraised.
The valuation of assets such as closely-held businesses, partnership and LLC interests, real estate, deferred compensation, investment portfolios, artwork and jewelry can be an intricate process.
We handle these complex valuation and distribution issues every day. Our attorneys work with experts to accurately appraise the worth of your myriad assets. Then we put together a custom plan to help you keep the things that matter most and ensure that you get (at least) your fair share.
Protecting Your Business In Your Divorce
No business owner wants a divorce to break-up a business they worked so hard to build – we get it.
- We find creative ways to keep our clients’ businesses intact.
- We have helped some of the leading business owners in New York keep their companies in their own name – and in one piece.
Focus on your work and family. We’ll take care of the rest.
Visit Our Midtown Office For A Consultation
Get started on your divorce today by calling 212-651-6461. Or reach out us by email.