Going through any divorce can induce feelings of stress and anxiety regardless of the circumstances. However, for individuals who are involved in a high-asset divorce in New York, figuring out how to deal with jointly owned real estate assets can be even more...
Month: January 2021
What are some reasons for a gray divorce in New York?
Gray divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage between couples over the age of 50. Several factors might contribute to the marriage falling apart, and divorcing could be the appropriate action that the partners take. Irreconcilable differences may factor into...
Protecting your retirement fund during a gray divorce
A gray divorce is simply one where people are at retirement age or their children have all grown up when they decide to split. These types of divorces usually don't have custody problems to deal with, but there can be other issues that have to be addressed. One of the...
How to divide IRA assets in a divorce
During a divorce in New York, spouses generally divide all assets, including retirement accounts. Depending on how the judge or mediator settles the case, an entire account might go to one spouse, perhaps in exchange for another asset of similar or equal value, such...