If you live in New York and are getting married, you may want to consider a prenuptial agreement. If you are already married, you can create a postnuptial agreement. These contracts can protect you and your spouse financially if you later decide to divorce. However,...
Postnuptial & Separation Agreements
A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can strengthen a marriage
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that more than 40% of the couples who walk down the aisle each year in New York and around the country will get divorced sooner or later. Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are viewed by many as a...
Can a postnuptial agreement cover child support?
After you marry, you can create an agreement that irons out certain aspects in the event you decide to divorce. Many people will decide to create a postnuptial agreement when they have a big inheritance or if they start a business. It is protection for both parties....
When is getting a postnup agreement a good idea?
If you just tied the knot in New York, it's important to celebrate this occasion. However, you should also focus on protecting your finances should this union come to an end. To achieve this goal, you might consider signing a postnuptial agreement. Here are a few...
Strategies for protecting a New York business during a divorce
Whether you started your business after you got married, inherited it from your parents or purchased it, you likely have an interest in continuing to own and operate the business after your divorce. However, given that New York applies an equitable distribution...
Grey divorce on the rise
Divorce rates in the United States have flattened or gone down for the most part. The notable exception to the trend is couples who are age 50 and up. According to several sources, 10% of couples in this age bracket filed for divorce in the 1990s. Now that number is...
How to ask for a prenup
Do you have health insurance because you plan to get ill? Of course not. You have health insurance to protect yourself in case you become ill or injured. Without insurance, you may face greater financial burden or take risks for your health. Prenuptial agreements are...
Alleviate financial stress with a postnuptial agreement
You and your partner may not be filing for divorce, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t discuss the state of your assets. Having a plan laid out to make clear the state of your assets can save you both a lot of trouble in the future. 22% of people get divorced over...